Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

This blog is dedicated to sharing the ridiculousness I get from students on exams, essays, and in other forums as well.  The blog's title comes from the following response to a short-answer question on an Old Testament final exam. The question pertained to the Proverbs' explanation of suffering.

"We talked in class that if a person becomes handicap, for example becomes blind, deaf, or lost in body parts; it is because they are being punished for not following the wisdom in the proverbs."


  1. Delighted to see such a blog; others should be found by a librarian and links could be provided if the reader wishes to read more of the same. I do hope the blog owner will entertain the notion of having guest bloggers, from time to time, so they too may share the bits of wisdom they find hidden, like treasures, in tests, essays, and class discussions.

  2. PS Thank you for the explanation for the blog's title. Like many college students I failed to read the entire "welcome" message and rather skimmed over it. Now I shall reflect upon being lost in body parts and wonder if one can be 'found' in body parts and if a map would help.

  3. Yes, as soon as I can figure out how to have guest bloggers I think that would be totally awesome.

  4. "We talked in class that if a person becomes handicap, for example becomes blind, deaf, or lost in body parts; it is because they are being punished for not following the wisdom in the proverbs."

    that is...amazing. lol
